Powermat Father’s Day Giveaway

By Divina

Rosa and Eddy rave about the Powermat see their reviews here and here .

Powermat is a fantastic device that has helped me control the wires that run amuck at my house.  Between cell phones, blackberries, iPods and everything else technology we own the wires get cumbersome and dangerous especially when you have a wild 2 year old and two wild dachshunds.

I just love how you drop your electronic item on the mat and it immediately starts charging.  Unfortunately for me, Eddy always takes it on business trips with him, so I am left with using the old ways of charging my cell phone.

This is definitely a great present with Father’s day around the corner and finding one is as easy as buying the Powermat at Best Buy, Target and Amazon.com.  Yet, there is an even easier  way to get one…WIN IT!

For a fun giveaway right around Father’s Day and in celebration of Eddy’s second Father day, One (1) lucky Dancing Hotdogs.com reader will join the Powermat family with their very own Home and Office mat ($99.99 each) with up to 3 receivers ($29.99-39.99 each depending on the device) to simplify their lives!

Contest ends June 15, 2010, 9pm. Giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only.

So leave a comment telling us why dads are great or your favorite Father’s Day present/memory.

Other ways to win?

  • follow DancingHotdogs rss feed
  • follow @dancinghotdogs on twitter (leave a comment)
  • follow @rosadancing on twitter (leave a comment)
  • Tweet ” I want to WIN a Powermat with @dancinghotdogs http://snurl.com/wspgi “
  • Blog about the contest (post link in comment)
  • Join our fanclub on facebook

PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS POST IF tweet or are a new or current follower.Disclaimer: Powermat is sponsoring this giveaway. We did not receive any monetary compensation for hosting this giveaway

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