November 26th, 2008
By Eddy
Here is a quick review on the 150,000th movie this year staring someone that knows Judd Apatow (jeez…its like this guy is a young Spielberg, every studio is practically chomping at the bit to put movies from him or his friends on TV.) It honestly is getting to the point that we may be over-saturated.
If there is one bad hit, I am practically guaranteeing a total collapse of the Apatow Empire.
Now on to the movie, Produced by Apatow and written and starring Jason Segel (”How I Met Your Mother”) is a story about a musician (for TV shows) who is dating a super popular actress Kristen Bell (Heroes, yes I know was a big star on some WB show that was humongously popular, but I cant remember the name of it). She breaks up with Jason Segel for the Rock Start Du Jour (Russell Brand), who obviously is promiscuous and uncensored, yet endearingly honest. After moping for what seems months and withstanding a number of failed relationships and one night stands with other girls he decides that the best way to get over her is to go Hawaii, where…surprise!! she is with her new boyfriend in the same hotel where he sees her everywhere. He then meets hotel desk jockey Mila Kunis (who is looking pretty hot and has set off a sort of Mila Renaissance during the last couple of months with her starting in “Max Payne” with Marky Mark…which I really don’t want to see, but will anyways, the things I do for my readers…I hate you…I mean I LOVE you), which opens him back up to the world and bla bla bla…insert romantic comedy plot from 1998.
Now if you are looking for gratuitous man junk this is your movie. Mr. Segel’s junk should (and probably does) have a credit in this movie…oh his butt also shares equal time. We even get a brief view of Mila’s bare chest that had me rewind the movie and pause in disbelief…oh, how far have we come from “That 70’s Show”.
To think that Aston Kutcher is the most “famous” person from that show, not to mention Topher’s brief flirtation with fame a while ago. I am starting to the think that that the parody that Topher did of himself in the “Ocean’s…” movies might really be true. Why else would he have fallen off the planet? The last thing that I saw of him was the abomination called “Spiderman 3″ I mean for all we know he’s in a basement of his mom’s how wearing his dad’s polyester shirt and professing his love for Donna. Did I mention that Donna is some stray dog that he found on the street and painted its fur red. Animal cruelty is a disease.
Anyways, it seems to the entire Amptow acting guild shows up for the movie: Jonah Hill, Paul Rudd, Kristen Wigg, Bill Hader all make appearances as well as the Johnny Depp of quirky comedies: Jason Bateman. I still think that “Teenwolf Too” was his best work, I even find myself sometimes singing a couple of the songs from the sound track…classic.
Ultimately, the movie did not prove to be Jason Segel’s big break out movie, he still is working on “How I Met Your Mother” and I could have swore that he put on about 10 to 15 pounds of “God, I Can’t Believe that I Am Still on this Show” weight. The best he could hope for is to cool his heels in the show for a couple of seasons, hope that Doogie Howser doesn’t over shadow him too much and the beg Judd to try again. With all this said, I actually enjoyed the movie…the plot was a little tired but there were enough funny scenes and dialogue (An Apatow must) that it is a good movie to watch with a date. If I were a guy looking to have “relations” with a girl, I would definitely pop this movie in fully confident that Jason Segel’s character would make me look like a Rock star and the low standard he set would make me look MUCH better naked…because isn’t that what all guys look for in a date movie?
Dancing Hotdogs reviewing movies and getting you laid. You’re Welcome!
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