November 18th, 2008
No, not the 80’s boy band with Bobby Brown It’s new contributors. These jolly two are looking to become a part of the Pax Cinematica called Dancing Hotdogs. Here the wrap sheet on the two:
Name: Rosa
She prefers to keep readers guessing so we will dispense with the particulars. We at Dancing Hotdogs feel the female perspective is important, and like all men know: two girls are better than one…oh I am going to pay for that when I see the wife. We at DH are hoping that Rosa contributes her personal view of the world (Which is unique I might add) to the world of movies and popular culture. What can I say the best keeps on getting better. Stay tuned for more from Rosa.
As for our next poor soul…well, I will let him introduce himself…
Name: Jeffrey David Kunze
I have loved the art of film for as long as I can remember. However, my time is very valuable and thus I am limited to the amount of movies I can take in. I must choose wisely.
Top Five Movies I Want to See and Plan to Review in the Near Future for Dancing Hot Dogs:
1.) The Road (directed by Jonathan Hillcoat)
2.) The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (directed by David Fincher)
3.) The Wrestler (directed by Darren Aronofsky)
4.) Watchmen (directed by Zack Synder)
5.) Che (directed by Steven Soderberg)
Favorite Directors (in no particular order):
Stanley Kubrick
Ingmar Bergman
David Lynch
David Fincher
David Cronenberg
The Coen Brothers
Martin Scorsese
Christopher Nolan
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