September 12th, 2008
By Eddy
Overall I found it entertaining, I laughed at a couple of spots and wasn’t too bored through out the entire movie. I can’t really see myself buying the movie. The movie was super hyped due to the involvement of Judd Apatow and Seth Rogan, who accounts for about half the funny films in 2007 and most of 2008. Yet, with that said I don’t think it really lives up to their past movie collaborations such as “Super bad” and “Knocked Up”.
The story is about a chronic weed-smoker (Seth Rogan) who works as a process server (A guy who tells you that you are being sued) in order to cope with all hate he gets from people he serves he smokes pot…All The Time. Well, right when he is about to serve another unlucky person, he happens to witness a brutal murder. He then freaks out and goes to the only person who he thinks he can help him, his drug dealer (James Franco…showing more emotion than he did in the Spider-man movies). Who happened to have sold him the rarest type of marijuana, which the murder had sold to the drug dealer, needless to say the murder was able to track down the dimwitted duo, and so the adventure begins.
The thing that kills me is that you can see the movie devolve as the time goes by almost as if the viewer was getting stoned, and I am not sure if this was intentional. The story starts out making sense but after an hour and up until the end, there was gun fights, secret lairs hidden underground and people getting shot/blown up and other absurd crap and then either surviving or coming back to life. It almost turns into a Saturday Night live or National Lampoons movie and that isn’t a compliment. It’s a mix mash of all these genres (Action/stoner/buddy film), I wouldn’t be surprised if Rogan and his partner Even Goldberg (The silent/silent partner in all these movies) thought of these after going through a couple of Dime bags…if they still sell those things. I probably should have researched a couple of drug terms to look a little bit more competent. Oh hell, I totally forgot to mention that someone must have took a shovel and dug up Rosie Perez from the hole that was left of her career, I am not sure what kind of deal she made with the Director or Producer or the Devil, because she adds nothing to the story and (Spoiler alert) she dies in the end anyways. I must say though that she did bring me fond memories of “White Men Can’t Jump”.
A Rant on James Franco- I not really sure if I like this guy. First of all he is a good looking dude, kinda in a James Dean way so that is one strike against him. He also reminds me randomly of Hayden Christiansen (The guy who played Darth Vader, in the last “Star Wars” series…jeezus, I just threw up in my mouth a little) and that is strike two. Finally he did a shitty job in the Spider-man films, and as Spider-man is my favorite comic book character that has to be strike three…you’re out of a job. I truly believe that he suffers from Orlando Bloom disease/Zoolander syndrome, where all he can do is one face (Though I don’t want to be unfair to Zoolander since he did have more than one look: Magnum (my god it’s beautiful), Le Tigre, Ferrari and Blue Steel. I am currently trying to show my son Le Tigre and am planning to work my way up the ladder to Magnum. I say crack the whip early and start the modeling career young when they don’t know any better about child labor laws…Daddy needs a nest egg!) Anyways, back to Franco, working with him might be the equivalent to acting with a metal pole with a missing person flyer attached to it or maybe a nicely preserved corpse. Please Mr. Franco stop screwing up films that I like.
Actors who suffer from Orlando Bloom Disease
- 1) Orlando Bloom
- 2) Hayden Christiansen
- 3) James Franco
- 4) Keira Knightly
- 5) Nicole Kidman
- 6) Meryl Streep
- 7) Keanu Reeves
45% of Hollywood
Yet as I say all these mean things, he did a really good job in “Pineapple Express” and most of the funny things in the movie revolve around him. But not to give Franco the entire credit the real reason why I liked his character is that he reminds me of someone I know personally even down to the way he talked, so I guess its more of a personal connection than anything else. But I am guessing that he will take whatever he can get.
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