Star War-Fate of the Jedi: Outcast Book Review

By Eddy

I never got into Star Wars books.  From my perspective they were basically fan fiction.  Just some writers fancy of what the rest of the story would be after the movies, but low in behold, I find that there is an entire universe of books, comics and other lore making up an entire universe.  Of course, everything is tightly monitored and organized by George Lucas (or at least his company to ensure that continuity is kept throughout each story and character).  Unfortunately, with this revelation regarding size and depth of the Star Wars world, it make it a significant barrier for a newbie like me to just jump in and start reading.  There has to be over 50 books, and series each with hundreds of characters and back stories, and with character appearing and reappearing in different series and different points in time. There is material ranging from before A New Hope (the first movie) started to up to forty year later.

Needless to say, I was a bit apprehensive when I picked up a free copy of Outcast by Aaron Allston from the Random House table at New York Comic Con.  Random House has been pushing the Star Wars line lately especially with this series as well as new books on the actual films coming out.Outcast is part of a series of tales that chronicles our beloved characters forty years after A New Hope .  Obviously everyone is old, Han and Leia are grandparents, and Luke is the Grand Master of the Jedi as well as a father.  Other character like Lando, C3PO and R2-D2 all make appearances.  It would be impossible to catch up with everything has happened since most of us last saw these character in the movies, and the book doesn’t even try (Thank God for Wikipedia!), but the story continues a saga related goes to one of Luke’s old apprentices and Han and Leia’s children who become a Sith Lord, Darth Cadeus.  After he was defeated, the governments around the galaxy want to persecute the Jedi for not figuring out that one of their own was going bad sooner.  Luke then takes the full blame, and what follows is a bit a political and legal action (kind of a John Grisham novel in space) as well as a couple of side stories with Jedi’s going crazy, Han and Leia helping out Lando and a whole bunch of talk about using the force this and that. 

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