By Eddy
You know we couldn’t let a good thing stop at one time. As a follow up to our experience at Gillette Stadium and U2, D and I have decided to put our official Event Chaser’s hat on once again.
For those of you who aren’t in the know. Event Chasers give ordinary Joes like you and me free tickets to concerts, games and other events just for writing blog post on the events you saw. If you want to see our last adventure here it is.
For our new chase we will be going to the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City to see Hansel and Gretel. OOOOOOOhhhh! You say?
Yes I may be thought of the epitome of a man’s man but I am not afraid to indulge my more sensitive and urbane side (also it’s D’s birthday and what’s better than a gift that I don’t have to pay for…thank you Event Chaser!! : ) )
If you want to join us at our night at the opera you can pick up Hansel and Gretel tickets or just get Metropolitan Opera Tickets (which surprisingly aren’t that expensive at all) at Razor Gator.
For those of you looking for just Theater Tickets you can find them there too. Take advantage now as many shows are either beginning to travel or closing down due to the economy. Also this might be your best chance to get Wicked tickets or any of the other more popular shows that tend to get filled to capacity pretty quickly.
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