The Munchables for Wii

August 8th, 2009

By Divina

I am not the world’s best video-gamer. So when DancingHotdogs got the opportunity to try out The Munchables by Namco Bandai and Eddy was away on a business trip I got really nervous, but I was pleasantly surprised at how very fun and addictive this game can be.  My sisters Rosa (yes the Rosa who writes for the site is my sister), Eliza and I were fighting over whose turn it was to beat up peaches, carrots etc.  We almost won the game on the first night!  Trust me that is a rare occurrence for me.

Quick summary; the world has been taken over by the unscrupulous Don Onion and his evil alien fruits and vegetables!!!! The only way to save the planet as we know it is to be either Munchy or Chomper and eat as many evil produce as possible!  With each fruit or vegetable bad guy you eat the hero or heroine gets bigger and one level closer to saving the world.  Don Onion, his eight Bosses and bad produce minions must be stopped!

The game is just plain silly fun.

Again, I am not a gamer but the visuals are good and very colorful with cute/evil produce attacking you.  The different levels have different fantastical worlds and over 150 yummy bad guys.  The two heroes Munchy and Chomper can be customized to fit your world saving fashion preferences and there are a bunch of really fun songs playing in the background motivating you. 

The game is not very difficult and for all audiences.  I think families will really enjoy playing this together.  The game came out in May and only costs $19.99 for Wii so it is definitely affordable family fun!

I also love their slogan “When vegetables go bad!” It definitely makes for an entertaining night in with the family.

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