Four Christmases

December 29th, 2008

By Rosa

Four Christmases seemed to be a great holiday movie to go to.  In one sentence review, I was disappointed with the movie but not with Vince Vaughn.

Brad (Vince Vaughn) and Kate (Reese Witherspoon) are a happy couple that always find an excuse to escape their family.  Brad and Kate think they have a perfect relationship and adding their families into their lives will only bring issues. 

Keeping with their holiday tradition, the happy couple was headed off to an exotic destination but bad weather stops their getaway and changes their fun and ideal plans for 2008.  Of course, their families see them on the News and immediately call to make new family plans for the 25th.  That’s when Brad and Kate who run away from family obligations are forced to go to each of their parent’s homes in one day.  I don’t want to giveaway too much of the movie but crazy family members (played famous actors like Robert Duvall, Jon Voight, Sissy Spacek, Mary Steenburgen, and  Jon Favreau) make the couple realize they are not perfect.

The movie wasn’t a complete waste of time but it wasn’t worth my $10.50.  (Yes, that is how much one adult ticket costs in CT).  I would recommend that you wait to rent it or buy it from the discount bin.  The movie is a comedy but Vince Vaughn is the only one bringing the laughs in this no so funny comedy.  Some of the jokes were really just not very funny. 

I must admit though, Brad and Kate had the craziest family members which made you laugh.  It made you happy your family wasn’t like theirs. 

With that, happy holidays from everyone at Dancinghotdogs!

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